Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mom & Papa John

They are both in their 80's, live in a beautiful home on 5 acres and do most of the work themselves. Someone forgot to tell them that they are suppose to be old, feeble and spend their days in a rocking chair.
Which brings up a topic. It is said that every cell in the human body renews every 7 years. So why do we get old?? It is my personal belief that we age because we believe we are suppose to, not because we HAVE to!! Our bodies are made to live a healthy life for hundreds of years. The only reason they don't is because, over countless generations, we have come to believe the opposite. If that is true, then thinking otherwise should reverse (or at least halt) the process of aging. Psst....Peter Pan is my role model. [Now where did Tink go???]

1 comment:

  1. Most Doctors agree that stress pays a major role in not only suseptability to disease but also in the aging process. Perhaps the key to longevity lies not in some "miracle" pill but in a simpler stress free lifestyle.
